Orange sticks to planned price increase for 4G

Orange sticks to planned price increase for 4G

Orange has said it will maintain plans to raise prices for superfast 4G mobile in February, despite rival operator Iliad stating it will offer the same 4G service speeds to customers without a hike in the cost.

Iliad said yesterday that it will not raise its monthly Free Mobile subscription for customers, and would include faster 4G speeds within the package, without making consumers take a long-term contract.

Delphine Emotte, head of Orange’s French business, told Reuters that the company had not entered into any discussions with Iliad about 4G roaming.

“We are not afraid of an offer that is backed with no network," said Emotte. “Coverage and quality are fundamental. We will revamp our tariffs as planned and the prices on 4G will increase.”

Iliad’s present tariff costs €19.99 per month.

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