Télécoms Sans Frontières establishes satellite link in Timbuktu

Télécoms Sans Frontières establishes satellite link in Timbuktu

Communications charity Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF) has installed an internet satellite connection in the Malian city of Timbuktu.

The city had been under the control of Islamic extremists for 10 months before it was liberated by French and Malian forces at the end of January.


The TSF team installed the satellite link in Timbuktu’s town hall as part of its intervention in the city and it is expected to be put to use by NGOs, the crisis unit, hospital staff and local authorities. 

TSF has also set up humanitarian calling operations for local populations allowing people to make international calls to countries including the US, Senegal, Ivory Coast, France and Liberia to let their families know they are safe. 

Timbuktu’s mobile network has been restored but functions only partially, according to the charity. 

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